It's that time of year again; the days are longer and warmer and you start thinking about getting outside and enjoying nature. You dig through your closet and dust off your shoes, lace them up and step outside. You take a deep breath of that fresh, spring air and take off.
The first walk or run of the season feels great and gets us excited and motivated for the summer months. This year, you can add another motivation to those spring walks - getting ready to participate in the 3rd annual Fun Run for a Promise.
Each spring, Camp Promise hosts a 5K Fun run or walk to raise funds for Camp. This ministry relies on the donations of individuals, churches and businesses to provide quality programming for families in our community.
With your help, we can raise important funds for Camp and enjoy some fun and healthy exercise together!
Mark your calendars for Saturday June 10th at 9:30am, and sign up below through Canada Helps. We encourage you to get your friends or family together and sign up as a team, and even challenge other teams to reach or surpass your fundraising goals. Feel free to create a team theme and arrive dressed up for the event too.
You don't need to be local to participate. We would love to have our friends and partners join us from around the world and do the Fun Run in your hometown, wherever that may be.
Looking forward to another great Fun Run event! See you there!